My dear friend Siz wrote something that looks like a writing challenge in her blog. I, on the other hand, had an urge to give it a try. The "one month writing challenge" require you to write a different topic per day. Wanna know what's on the list? I'm as curious as you are... *drum roll* here's the list:
Well maybe I won't write it in order. And likely, I'll tuck in some shoes post or anything like that between the required posts. Rules are made to be broken, right? At least that's what I believe in. But I'll make it easier by put everything I write in a "CHALLENGE" labels.
Honestly, I have mixed feeling about this. Either I won't finish it, or even will bring back the old memories that I hid deep in my heart.
and the challenge...... is on!
It's okay to break the rules for this game! :p
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