My boyfriend and I have been fighting a lot lately. What the heck is our problem? What is left to fight about? Don't we fight enough? I thought seven-and-a-half years is more than enough to get to know each other. Seven years ago, what we fought about was jealousy. I hate seen him with his female friends (let alone his ex girlfriend!) I hate to accept the fact that he loved his bike more than me, I mad when he late to picked me up. Seven years later, the problems between us are rapidly growing, to some serious ones. Here comes the question: WHAT KIND OF MOTHER WOULD YOU BE? ...dead silence... That second I thought, holy shit. How could he ask this weird, tricky, and unimaginable question? Honestly, I couldn't help it. He trapped me. I muted for a while. Not because I didn't know the answer, of course I want to be not just good, but a GREAT mother (who doesn't anyway?) But Dieter isn't the type of man who easily satisfied with a shortcoming answer. He needs e