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Showing posts from December, 2007

Get Together

Last night I went to my friend's birthday party and was having a blast! I met with some old friends, my high school friends whom I miss a lot!!! So, that was fun! Kevin made us some oh-so-delicious homemade cuisine such as spaghetti, salad, chicken soup, and so on.. He was going wild, and told about virginity! He said that most girls in town aren't virgin anymore. Can you believe that? I AM still virgin and I'm NOT shy! I think it'll be great to give it to my husband, the right man on the right time and at the right place. There's a thin line between love and sex. Love is not sex and sex is not love. So, if your boyfriend ask you to have sex to prove your love to him, just simply leave him! Yuck! Guys, it's not a fucking excuse! But by the way, the decision is all yours. For me, I don't wanna do that. Oh I'm going so far away from the subject! So, we had a great night at a small get-together party! I hope we'll do it more often. ^^ xoxoxo

Merry Xmas

Merry Xmas Everyone!!!!

Happy Mother's Day

M is for the miracle of Being. O is for its origin in love. T is for the tenderness of seeing. H is for a home no wind can move. E is for the ecstasy of living. R is for the recklessness of giving. You are my mother and my friend, Which is unusual. Somehow our characters must blend: Your wisdom and my will. I turn, and you are there for me; I speak, you understand. I feel cared for, but also free; You lead but don't command. I'm fortunate that I was born To someone just like you; I love you, not just as my mom, But for what you are and do. happy Mother's day

Life isn't very fair

so many questions "why" poppin in my head right now. and it's all about life.. Sometimes I don't understand why people only respect someone whom has money, or power, and all. Ironically, people don't want to look in someone's real talent, someone's heart, or someone's toil, just because they aren't rich. For example, some group of people are very proud showing their ride, but "Hey it's Daddy's car!!" I bet they don't know how to buy it, even they don't WANNA know about it! Maybe they'd just "blink their eyes" and VOILA! There's this new car in their garage! some others are working their ass off to achieve what they've been dreaming of. They really appreciate every second of their lives. They wanna be success. They realize that they have to build their business from the big O. But why everyone seems just respect the first group? Especially for those who are same age with me. Honestly, my parents did

I have a dream

"You only lived once" But can you fulfill your life with a great thing? I wish I can mark my name in this world, but I think I can't. Without being underestimate about myself, but I think I am not talented, I can't sing, I can't dance, and I'm not smart enough. But thankfully, I still have a dream. People who live without a dream is like a glass without water, just like earth without sun. EMPTINESS. One of my dream is build a restaurant. Actually I want a good vibe cafe, with a great atmosphere, cozy songs, and fine foods. I want to come up with something different, unique idea, that make my cafe is different from others. I wish I can have it someday. But I realize, I've to pursue my dream. Shame on me when I made a mistake to entered the college that not connected with what I want. However, it's better late than never, right? Once I've been told by someone, that I'll success in business such as restaurant, or cafe, and something like that. I


Last Saturday Night, his father rushed (again) to hospital. He got a third stroke attack in this past 9 months. Gosh, what should I do to help him? Wish I could help him... I don't want he suffer again. Enough. Please God, show us Your miracle. For anyone who read this, please send your prayer to his father. Hope he'll get well soon. .

my new blog

Hello everyone!! Welcome to my new blog. Finally I leave my old blog at Friendster! LOL. It's kinda an odd blog, you can't change template, even you can't post a video there! So YESTERDAY. LOL Well, this is my blog so I'll write all things that happen to me, Click Here to see my old blog just. ENJOY!