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Showing posts from July, 2012

Where to eat at Bandung?

If you're looking for a proper food, dare I say it, not much. Obviously there are so many cafes in Bandung. But from what I've experienced, you would only get a disappointment. Especially food and service wise. I used to be a cafe hopper (not anymore), often felt I just got robbed and sorry to myself for I've stuffed my belly with bad food. To name a few, I've experienced as thin as paper pizza (with flour flavor), raw dory fish on my fish and chips, cold meat, half done chicken steak, a dead fly inside my food, etc. BOO! For the record, those foods came from a well known, hip, and "happening" cafes!  I also frequently encountered some places that were nice and decent at first, but then experiencing a drastic decline on my next visit. They just can't keep up with their business. You know your place went well, then why don't try to maintain the quality? Otherwise, you wouldn't go anywhere but down. I don't want to name it one by

never forgotten...

Today mark the first anniversary of Amy's demise. I couldn't put up a nice tribute. I just CAN'T. It's so hard to describe it into words. The pic above is the best I can do really.. But I want to share something that my friend wrote at the forum. He wrote it straight to the point, eloquently.  Courtesy of pearljo . Legend--a modern story that has taken on the characteristics of a traditional legendary tale. Hell no. She only put our two albums. The rest of her time was spent doing drugs and alcohol, roaming the streets of Camden. She couldn't even put on a decent concert because of her lifestyle. Elvis was a legend, John Lennon, Bob Marley, Janis. Amy was as legendary as my plumber. I couldn't stand that junkie. A year after death, should the word legend even be discussed? Who knows? Maybe it's too soon. But the comparisons of Amy with Janis are everywhere. Was Elvis a legend? Of course. Bur over his career, very few o

hot rollers

My frequent trips to hair salon was finally getting on Dieter's nerves. One day he asked, how much your "hair-expense" per month? I was like, "not much." He continued, "how much is not much?" I gave up and told the truth. But I don't go to hair salon for nothing. If there's a party to attend, then I'd get my hair done. I loved to see it volumised, on point and stress free. But of course there were also other trips to fix my nails and wax the unwanted hairs in my body. As expected he was surprised, but he couldn't get mad at me cos I never use his money for my personal expenses. He told me that I've to be wiser on spending it. I said that I don't know how to work on my curling iron back at home. I'm no good with hair devices. When we strolled around the mall like three months ago, I caught a catchy hot rollers. I thought well maybe why not give it a try. It wouldn't be as hard as curling iron. I said to Dieter th

Cherry Wine

I hope Amy and Nas don't get tired singing Cherry Wine cos I've played it like more than hundred times. Cherry Wine is the newest collaboration between hip hop legend Nas and my gal Amy. I don't know when they recorded the song. Actually I don't really care. Every new material that comes from Amy is priceless at this point. A friend even told me that he will swallow anything including if Amy singing the "phone book" lol. She was so genius for having collaboration with two biggest names in their era. Tony Bennett and Nas. They both come from different era and age. But Amy could pull it off! How amazing is that. The press said that there will be one or two more posthumous albums and I can't hardly wait. Although it's sad and make me miss her even more. <3 Amy <3


I am insecure, indecisive, and have a very low self-esteem.  People might think the other way. I guess I played the role well (aha!) Deep down inside, that's the real me. I always feel like I have nothing to be proud of.  My boyfriend is all about "what the man should become" and I feel like I don't deserve him. He deserves someone better than me. I keep saying that to myself till I started to hate me even more. He keep saying that I'm alright while I'm not. He embrace me for who I am. But I insist that he's too good to me. I always under estimate myself.  It wasn't a coincidence that God let me watched Gia. Beside my favorite quote that I previously uploaded on this post , there's another line I like.   "This is life, not heaven. You don't have to be perfect" ... I never thought in my life I'd be seeing a shrink. I hope that day will never come.  I know I can get through this. It's about time


I thought Girl, Interrupted was Jolie's most brilliant work to date.  Boy I was wrong.  On previous night, I stumbled across this movie called Gia on HBO. It was near my beauty-sleep so I didn't watch it seriously. But as the movie rolling, I was intrigued. The movie based on true story about Gia Carangi (1960 - 1986) whose success and troubles flew as high as kite. People believed that she was the first model who crowned as "supermodel", considering her walks in famous designer's runaway and covers of many fashion magazines. Her true beauty was inversely to her personal trouble. She was young, fragile, and lonely. She finally hit the rock bottom before became an addict... and later died on age 26 because of AIDS. The disease that considered "taboo" at that time. Even doctors and nurses wore what we called as "space suit" when examined her. Angelina Jolie was literally an unknown actress. But her acting really knocked me out

Puppy love

my girl Loubi becomes a mom! Yeay... Never thought that she preceded me! Last Sunday Loubi gave birth to two cutest puppies in the world. I missed the process!! I didn't expect she gives birth that day so I chose to go to Jakarta instead. When I arrived at home, I heard a strange sound coming from Loubi's. Turned out, she already gave birth!! All by herself. I was surprised and sooo panic! I never have a preggo dog before, so I kind of lost. I phoned someone whom I trust and he came to my house at 1AM. He was surprised too, at how good Loubi took care of her newborn children.. I was very proud of her. But somehow, the other puppy succumbed to its weakness and died two days later. A puppy demise brought tears to my eyes and I was so sorry cos I feel like I didn't treat it well.. I didn't even have a chance to give it a name. But Dieter and I buried it in front of my house. Right now, there's one puppy left and I named it TomTom. Sounds familiar e


Of course this is not the title of Adele's new album. Birthdays are traumatic. *MINE* is dreadful. I had the best birthday ever last year which lead to the most disastrous day of my life. However, July 2nd 2012 was inevitable. It went smooth, with a midnight and morning surprise by Dieter and my family. But each detail on my birthday reminded me of last July. It was the most horrifying moment in my entire life and I couldn't just toss it away. Step aside..  Back in the days, I've always said to my girlfriends that I'd be married by 25 and stop making babies by 30. Then I'll devoted the rest of my life solely to my family.  Oh boy, how we always have to be careful of what we wish for, cos we just may get it. My friend highly took my then bullshits with pinch of salt, but one of them is coming on horizon. In fact, it's around the corner.  As time move forwards, so do I. As much as I love Dieter, there's a tiny little doubt in my h