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Showing posts from November, 2013


27 Agustus 2013 1:45 Tiba-tiba kebangun karena kebelet pipis. Dalam hati, "ah dasar bumil pipis mulu.." Bolak-balik kamar mandi emang bukan hal yang aneh, apalagi ni perut udah guede banget. Setengah ngantuk, gue jalan ke kamar mandi yang untungnya cuma beberapa langkah aja dari kasur. Ketika duduk di monoblok, kok kerasa ada yg "tumpah" yah di bawah sana. Hmm apa gue pecah ketuban? Tapi kok ga berasa mules sama sekali? Akhirnya abis pipis ya melengos tidur lagi.  1:55 Errr tapi ga bisa tidur lagi, malah jadi gelisah.. Yang tadi apaan ya? Bangunin Mr.D jangan ya? Akhirnya gue bangunin juga hubby yang lagi ngorok di sebelah. Dengan polosnya gue bilang, "say kayanya aku pecah ketuban." Trus Mr.D yang masih di alam mimpi, sambil merem ngejawab, "ah yang bener? Mau ke rumah sakit? Besok pagi aja ya.." Grrrr... Ini suami gak siaga deh -_-  Akhirnya gue bangunin lagi, "say aku pecah ketuban!!" Setengah ngebentak.

catching up :)

For once (yes I mean for ONCE) in a lifetime, 24 hours is never enough.  Between my new activities as a mother (well well well, what's new?), I'm still doing my homework to finish all Mr. D 's paperwork and also, started a business with my sister. Why not? I do enjoy myself being a mom to the most * precious, handsome, funny, cutest, chubby * baby in the world, but I also need something to do beside breastfeeding and change diapers. Otherwise, my brain cells will slowly cut into pieces. LOL.  That's why I need more than 24 a day. It would be a lot easier if I hire a nanny, so I can do whatever I want without Vale in tow. BUT. Valentino is my first priority no matter what, so anything else comes secondary. In this case, blogging comes in.... fifteenth? Or lower. It's so hard to find time to write a good post. Take a look at my draft, and everything was like, "I'm such a terrible mother!" or "my baby poo poo a lot" or "my brea