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Showing posts from October, 2014

Bye bye GTM

Just when this GTM thingy finally taken its toll, we got to pass thru it! Yeaaayyyy...  Setelah sebulan lebih berperang melawan GTM, akhirnya terlewati juga. Seperti yg gue bilang di post2 sebelumnya, temen gue merekomendasikan DSA Yulia di Melinda Hospital. Katanya beliau kalo kasih vit penambah nafsu makan pasti manjur. Wah gue makin menggebu-gebu nih pengen bgt ketemu dr. Yulia... Tanpa ba bi bu langsung gue daftar by phone trus dapet no 40 sekian. Yowes ga papa toh yg penting masih dapet.. Sorenya didatengin lah si dokter, singkat cerita gue jelasin duduk permasalahannya trus dia ngasih resep vitamin yg konon "ampuh" itu. Ga mau nunggu lama lagi, malemnya langsung gue kasi tuh vitamin.. Sambil berdoa semoga beneran ampuh. Secara gue uda hopeless berat.  Besok paginya, seperti biasa gue bikinin Vale sarapan.. Cereal quaker + buah. Dannnnnnnn..... *eng ing eng* HABIS saudara-saudara. Dari yg biasanya makan sejam cuma 1 sendok, ini bisa abis dalam waktu kurang 30 menit. Mimp...

Not today

There are times where I just miss my old self. You know I love dressing up. I love make up. I love getting my hair, nail, and everything in between done. I never been through a "tomboy" phase throughout my life. I'm a girly girl kinda girl :D.  But of course, I'm a mom now.. I don't have time to pampering myself anymore. My whole life is our family. However, I still make time to trying to "look good" whenever I go out. Again, Mr. D kept telling me that I don't have to do such things. Leave those heels at home, or you don't have to put that much of make up. Or even at some point he asked, "why are you dressing up? We're just about to go brunch."  "Dressing up" means I only wear my casual dress.. Along with my foundation routine and a very thin eyeliner. And he called it "too much makeup " Arghhh.  He once said that he love my bare face. My second to sleep face. Where there's only my night cream and eye cream s...