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tied the knot

The Groom with all the best-men

Happy boy

happy couple

current mood : *sigh*

Finally, after the very long waiting and preparation since LAST YEAR week, my brother tied the knot with girl of his dream. They held a morning ceremony at Cathedral Church and then thrown a party later that night at Grand Eastern.
I was having a blast, yet exhausted, and starved and weary and all! Since I didn't catch enough time to eat something, and were busy buzzing around the ballroom, cos my friends were all there and I've some duties to do.

Well, now the party's over and it's time to "renew" the life. Cos life will never be the same. Brother, sister, I hope your love will last forever, no more assault, no more violence, just PEACE. Don't ever lean on to someone else, cos since yesterday, two became ONE. Just like the priest said, you both have to received each other the way they are, and blend each personality as one. Married life isn't going to be easy (LIKE I KNOW.LOL). And...... Blah blah blah. Too personal to be written.

BTW, here are some snaps from the paRRRty! [Of course I attached some pretty good candids and funny photos] --> Click to enlarge
me with some friends of mine

*What's the point being at the hundred million party?
eRrrm. Nothing.

update #1 :
Don't get me wrong!! I mean, it was just like a party for my parents, cos every time I looked around, turn around, my parent's friends were everywhere and I hardly notice my Bro's friends! LOL.

update #2 :
But that's the reason why Indonesians categorized as most consumptive people in the world.

update #3 : Step aside from that, one of the crew from the Wedding Org was my "frenemy*". Yes, accidentally.

*frenemy (generally refers to friend and enemy. This is the state when you have one friend but you both no longer be friends because of one or more reasons, and she/he ACTS like there's nothing wrong between you two.

Or in my case, frenemy means when your boyfriend have an ex-girlfriend whom scratched your car, accused you snatched away her new then boyfriend, pissin' you off, and talk shit about you, BUT she pretend like there's nothing going on between us in front of others. Oh how I love the dramz! We're drama queen, right? :p


Anonymous said…
gileee..bete banget pasti sm si frenemy hehehehh...sabarrr sabaaaarrrrr :) kalo kt org pinter mah there are 3 things we can't hide: the sun, the moon, and the truth :D
Intan Juliana said…
have you got one, Phi?? Mudah2an jangan punya yah frenemy memBTkan sekali. wakakaka :)
Anonymous said…
lucky enough, i don't have haha..gila lu si sabar banget loh hehe..waduh komen gw rada ga nyambung ya haha..mksdnya kl di dpn org kliatan biasa2 aja tp kan org2 juga ntarnya tau gt benernya keadaannya gmana hehe..tan ada msn? add2 donk hehe :D
Intan Juliana said…
sabar? iya sih emang gw sabar banget2an. emg bener phi sooner or later pasti ketauan jg deh belangnya. hahaha... and guess who's winning the battle? LOL. Ya ampun phi, beruntunglah buat lu yg ga punya frenemy. Disgusting bgt tau. hahaha.
siz said…
frenemy apaan sih tan?gua rada bego nih..hahahaha..apa ada hubunga nya sm para akang2 kita begituh?
kl iyah, kyknya sy punya frenemy most of all, apaan sih frenemy?
siz said…
nah kan gua bego..gua ga baca keterangan yg ada d bawah postingan lu yg segede upil itu loh tan..ahahahhahahaha...gembel emg gua..
wah untung sy tidak -ato belom- punya frenemy yg ky gt deh tan..emg sampe segitu nya yah?
Intan Juliana said…
haha... Sis, unfortunately gw punya frenemy yg kelakuannya "over the top" dan sedikit ekstrim. hahaha. Makanya I can't stop but saying that u're very lucky if u don't have any! :)
siz said… bisa ngm gua ga punya jg sih..da bisa dbilang gua jg punya dia bukan ex gt..dia cm temen "deket" cowo gua..tolong artikan "deket" nya dengan arti harafiah tan..which means bener2 deket fisiknya..bisa nempel2 sm cowo gua kl d dpn gua sampe toket nya nempel2 gt..males ga sih???!!!bisa dbilang frenemy ga tan?hahahaha..
Intan Juliana said…
wah2 seriusan?
berarti dia layak bgt tuh disebut frienemy!

Dear S frienemy, show some respect!!
Anonymous said…
muahaha...frenemynya si susis jg udah mengarah kepada ekstra annoying syah..sis ceuk gw oge samperin, bilangin...jangan gatel gitu ah...huahuaua...seru ya ngmgin frenemy..trs mlh ngbrlnya di blognya intan lg bwehehehe...a good word that one, frenemy hahahaha ;p
Intan Juliana said…
OMG Phi, you're the luckiest among us! *Jealous* hahahaha :D
emang tuh frenemy nya Susis tampak mengerikan dan TTD (tidak tau diri). Samperin aja Sis!!! ayo2 qta mendukung.
siz said…
hahahaha,,asiik..gua punya banyak balad..ahahahah..banyak pendukung..iyah lah..smua org yg gua ceritain jg ga ada yg suka sm dia da..ya kl manusia normal sih emg gitu kali..gila aja..udah tau tuh cowo udah punya cewe masih aja gt..serasa ingin gua udah janji pd diri gua sendiri untuk tidak menjadi org kedua setelah mantan coeo gua yg pertama yg mencabok dia..gila aja tah..berarti kelakuannya tuh duah gt dr sejak mantan cowo gua yg pertama gt loohh...edan eling sugaann..
Intan Juliana said…
Sis, sabar Bu sabar... Haha.. Orang sabar disayang Tuhan loh!! (naon deui, ga nyambung). haha,, yauda pokonya sabar aja lah, yg paling penting kan cowo loe nya, nanggepin ga? Kalo ga nanggepin berarti lo ada di zona aman, n si frenemy harus mulai menggigit jarinya. hahahaha :D

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