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anger & depression

Have you ever feel that you're the dumbest, stupidest person on earth?
I did some terrible mistakes most of my life, feel like I can do nothing right.. I always wrong. Although I always tell everyone my slogan " absolutely no regrets ". But actually, there are several things that I wish I didn't do. I wish I can study more, I wish I exercise more, I wish I'm not a forgetful girl and can remember every single thing that ever happened in my life, I wish I wish I wish.. Many things I've missed in my whole life. I've messed it up and now I regret it. FFS, please forget those trashy feeling!!!

back to reality..........

I've two new best-friends right now. It called "Anger" and "Depression".
This "anger" and "depression" always track me down nowadays. Especially when I near my deadline, whether it's essay or Pre-Order on my OL shop. It's just... Frustrating.
Sometimes I thought, can I do this alone? But than my closest friend rose up my spirits, even deep down inside of me force me to do that. And then I know everything gonna be fine.... Although it's not. OMG, I feel so stressed!!! :(
I wonder what will happen with me in the next 6 months.

Okay, I will make a short list about what should I achieve 6 months from now.
  • GRADUATE! (it's a must!)
  • Find a job! (should I?)
  • Expanding my OL shop!
  • This is a short term plan: "go to gym at least 3 times a week and cut off those flabby thigh! Ewww.. Hate them! Run a little bit longer in my treadmill and biking as often as I can, even though with my Dad's friends. (Cos none of my friends love biking)" We'll see what happen with my thigh.
  • Yoga and pilates and meditation (guess I need that?). (always want to do that, but unfortunately don't have enough time and money. Cos it's so so so expensive.. But who knows I can afford that? As long as I intend to.
  • Be a half vegetarian (e.g: Vegetarian from Mon-Fri, and Sat-Sun are my free day!) How's that even possible, while my boyfriend always teases me with "Ayam Penyet". LOL.
  • Loses 5 more kilos. Anyone agree?
  • Control my damn new bestfriends (remember the "anger" and "depression"?). They come upon me all silent and they flank me, it's like Anger on my left and Depression on my right.
  • Sleep well everyday. (e.g: at least 6 hours a day)
  • Go to church?
  • what else? I'll add this list up as soon as I have thoughts.
Just, wish me luck OK.

PS: Dear "anger" and "depression" . Please GO AWAY from my mind :(


siz said…
oh c'mon're not that fat..
and i think u shouldn't have a job..hahahah.. it's me..hahahhaa..
Anonymous said…
taann.. do u know any yoga places in bandung? pingin banget yg gw temuin satu nun jauh di terusan jalan jakarta..dan satu lg di jalan sederhana tau lg gag dmana? pinginnnnnnnn bangetttttt gwwww hehehehehe...
Intan Juliana said…
hahaha... Biasalah Siz, wanita!! tidak pernah puas, lagian emang sy menggendut koq bu. Hikz... BTW, is that boring? Then I have to try it! Ciayo2..... (^^,)

Yup, I know several yoga places in Bandung which is expensive and far away from my house. Pertama Jl. Jakarta yg jauhhh banget, trus ada pilates di setiabudhi tapi uda tutup kynya kurang peminat soalnya mahal, ada juga kelas yoga di gym gw tp bener2 masih ece ece, gatau yoga gatau apa haha.. Trus di batununggal ada juga, itu qta dateng ke hum gurunya, lmyn mahal tp seengganya dkt rumah lah. Ada yg gratis da Phi di Gereja Laurensius, jadi ky yoga+meditasi gt, cuma gw lum pernah soalnya pagi bgt jam 7.haha..
Semanget Phi, gw jg ampe pinjem DVD Yoga tp ga bisa da tekniknya takut salah.
BTW emang di sana ga ada? Ikutan yg di Malay aja ateuhh
Anonymous said…
bntr lg pulang tan libur 3 bulan jadi mu beryoga2 dbdg..yang di batununggal brapaan tan? pinginnn..dkt rmh gw jg slny.. gw jg beli dvd yoga tapi ga pnah dilakuin..sakit2 lagian takut sala urat huahuhauhaua...gym lu dmn tan?
maunya yoga gw ga mau pilates hehe
Intan Juliana said…
hahaha.. iya gw jg, ga hasil ah belajar dr dvd mah. takut salah2 gerakan malah fatal lg ntar. D batununggal bbrp bulan lalu sih 250rb/bln, tp klo ga salah 1x 1mg phi. Lumayan yah mahal... Tp ntar gw tanyain lg d pastinya.. Nti gw kbrn lg yah. hehe.
gw jg gym nya di batununggal da. hum lo t dimana? gw d kembar mas. jgn2 lo kembar jg lagi? hahaha
siz said…
knapa yah kl gua lbh pengen senam ato dance class?hahahahahah..asa ngantuk kl denger yoga..gimana atuh?hahhahahah..

iyah tan, benar2 membosankan tau. monoton skali..hahahahaha..
Intan Juliana said…
sebenernya yg dicari dr yoga tuh meditasi nya sekalian kali yah... Jd ga melulu soal turunin berat badan Siz. haha.. Gw siy uda pasti ah ikutan yoga, tapi tau deh kapan. skrg aja masih jangar banget mikirin skripsi CuiH!!. hahaha
Anonymous said…
iya yoga te membantu lu buat mengerti tubuh lu sndiri, bkin sehat mentally n physically gt lgan pnah nyoba enak stretching2 gt.. mau ya tann tar gw minta no nya dr lu aja de d bdg gw tlp sndiri aja..hehe..

tp biasanya hrs bkih kelas pemula gt2 kan min 10org gt bkn si?
rmh gw d muara tan hehe

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