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just saw this Angie's new flick, WANTED.
The action scenes were amazing... I was sitting on the edge of my seat on more than one sequence. Of course some of it's a bit far fetched but come on... Aren't MOST action movies like that? James McAvoy did an amazing job playing the average job who is suddenly told he has the ability in him to be a "wolf among the sheep". Angelina was very great. She does very well in roles like this and even though she doesn't have too many lines she pulls off her character who TRULY believes in what she does very well. Plus, she's hot. I mean, I'm a woman who doesn't particularly even like tattoos and I have a crush on her.. ;-) In all I highly recommend this movie. Great summer entertainment!


Anonymous said…
iyahhh stuju..filmnya kereeeennnn sukaaa heheheheh ;)
siz said…
knapa cm gua yg ga terlalu suka sm pilem nya yah eehh??
asa gimanaaa gituh..terasa janggal..
tp kl soal angelina jolie nya mah gua jg sampe tercengang liat body nya yg yahud mantap gt..ahahahhaha..rasa nya ingin punya badan seperti itu,,diet ya gmn yah?hahahhaahhaa...tatto nya jg mantap..secara gua memang ingin dtatto ga sebanyak itu yah..ahahhahhaa..
Intan Juliana said…
apanya yg terasa janggal Sis? Keren ah.. Tp emang film nya sedikit campur "adegan ga mungkin" ky pas terakir si Fox nembakin satu2 orang ngebentuk lingkaran? Buseddd!!! Sakti bgt klo ada org yg bs gitu. Tp overall, filmnya tetep worth to watch koq. Yup Angie is smokin' hot hot hot! Haha.. Sayang, dia dapet skrip nya cuman dikit, jd ga terlalu byk ngomong..

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