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another thought

I heard a pretty shocking news last week. One girl that I knew, made a confession to me that she was just losing her virginity.

It left me speechless. I never thought she would do stupid stuff like that to a man that seeing her for only 3 months!

OK its her decision to did that, she has right of course.

Am I the only one who still virgin? I felt like one century behind. But I'm proud of it anyway.

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!


siz said…
be proud of it tan..
we should..
i felt that once too..but,what's the point of being 'uptodate' with that kind of situation?it isnt fashion anyway..hahahaha...
we should proud with our virginity..
Intan Juliana said…
Good point sis :)
So is it common to losing girls virginity on early age nowadays?
What a trend!! I'm sorry for those girls
Demetrius said…
Being a virgin may not be the most popular thing in today's society, but in the eyes of God you are still very unique and pure. Both of you should be very satisfied with your decision to wait until the appropriate time. Everybody has their own idea of when the time is right, but when you are truly in love there will be no need for sexual lust. The longer you wait, the deeper that love grows.
phi said…
a trend?? it's just stupid to call this thing a trend.. it depends on people themselves though...u'r not alone, im with you, one century behind heheh :))
siz said…
yes it is..
a bit shocking for me at first..coz it has been common here in bandung..
*you wont be surprised if that happen in jakarta*
Intan Juliana said…
@phi You'd be surprised if you see what happen with young fellas now. Virginity is nothing but a piece of membrane! Nothing matters anymore. So I decided to call it a "trend". Its their choice of course, but IMO, I still want to do it wiv the right person, on the right time, and at the right place. The moment will be precious! :)

@siz: udah gak aneh kali yah di Jkt sih. Kumpul kebo pun udah dihalalkan. hehehe.... Bandung emang dah gitu yah Sis? I knew some group of people who accepted free sex as their ways of life. Its terrifying!!

@Demetrius point taken!
siz said…
iayh ta..gua jg sempet shock sih wkt dgr cerita dr tmn gua..trus sempet liat d tv jg tan..wkt jaman ada tayangan macem fenomena gt..bnyk yg blg d bdg skrg udah gt smua..gua sampe agak terbengong2 dengernya..gua pikir bandung ga sampe segitu nya ky jakarta..ternyata oh ternyata..i'm one century behind jg rupa nya..hahahhaahha..dunno yah tan..skrg sih bahkan ada yg mikir kl idup seatap tp emg ga ngelakuin apa2 pun udah lumrah ktnya,,gua sih ttp ga setuju yah..walau kita ga ngapa2in kita kan msh idup d adat timur, yg bakal ngaggep kl itu tuh tabu,,tp menurut mereka buat mencegah perceraian sbaiknya tinggal seatap dl soalnya kl tinggal seatap bakal lbh kliatan sifat asli nya..well mgkn ada bener nya,,tp gua sih ttp ga setuju..tell me i'm too 'kolot' but i'm happy and proud for being like that..hahaha.. what about you?
Intan Juliana said…
errm... susah juga yah kalo dah nyangkut yg ginian. emang bener sih, ada istilah, sebelum beli mobil kudu "test drive" dulu. Pasti ada + - nya sih dari tinggal seatap tanpa pernikahan. Tapiiiiiiii gw tetep aja tidak menganut paham itu. hahaha....
Gw sih ga terlalu berkiblat ke adat timur, tapi ga ke adat barat juga. Jadi yah balance aja deh. Gw ngelakuin hal gw yakini benar & ga ngerugiin orang lain.
Tapi kalo hidup seatap & menyerahkan virginity, it's a No and No. hahahaha :D
siz said…
iyah setuju!!!
sy jg ga setuju kl soal tinggal seatap walau tidak melakukan suatu apa pun..gatau knapa tp ya engga aja gt buat gua mah..what's the point jg gt..hahahahaah

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