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Showing posts from June, 2013

Konichiwa Japan... (day 2)

Day 2: Osaka   Udah pada baca kan posting gue sebelumnya? Yak... Lanjut kakak... :D  Sial banget gue gak bisa tidur sama sekali di pesawat. Kok berasa kaya kembung perut, udah dioles-oles kayu putih pun gak efek huhu. Dalem hati ngebatin, pasti nyampe Osaka muka udah gak beraturan banget deh. Plus kantong mata yang menghitam. Tapi.... Dengan spirit 45, gak boleh kalah sama muka ancur donk? Jadi setelah sampai Kansai Airport , tanpa ba bi bu lagi kami langsung lari-lari buat ngantri di imigrasi (udah gak sabar ceritanya).. Mr D biasanya suka tegang kalo di imigrasi, soalnya dia pernah punya pengalaman buruk ditanya-tanya ma petugas (maklum bhs inggris nya payah :D). Dia udah lirik-lirik gue aja, gimana kalo ditanya macem-macem. Gue bilang, gpp.. Bilang aja I'm on vacation for a week . Lagian gue udah tulisin juga hotel-hotel tempat kita nginap. Eh ternyata..... Petugas imigrasinya RAMAH banget! Gak banyak ditanya ini itu (mungkin gara-gara form kami udah lengkap jug...


Here in Indonesia's two major cities, Jakarta and Bandung, we often stumbled upon a young family of four  six (husband, wife, and two kids, two nannies).  Not one, but two nannies in tow! One child = one nanny. And their parents are busy with their smartphones. No joke guys, I've seen those sights many many times.  If previously I really didn't give a shit about that, now it's different cos I'm pregnant. I began to pay attention to those things. Well.. I couldn't help but wonder, is baby sitting THAT hard? Till you have to hire somebody else to take care of your kid? The case would be different if both parent are working. So maybe they don't have enough time to take care their own kid. (Tho I still prefer to seek help from my mom or mom in law instead of nanny.) BUT if you're a housewife, why don't you take care of your kid by yourself? That make me wonder. Well, to be objective, it's perfectly fine to hire a "helper". But w...

pregnancy week 28

Here we go... Week 28. (third trimester) Baby To be honest, we have found a name for our baby. I'm not gonna reveal the full name yet, as it might change along the way. One thing for sure, we've been calling him "Vale"... As in "Valentino". During these days, Vale's kicks became frequent. If previously I could only feel his kick during night time before I sleep, now I can feel his kicks almost every hour. It's getting stronger too.. I couldn't be more excited! :D  I just went to the obgyn yesterday and Thank God, all is well. Hmm, his only concerned was my baby's weight cos he thought it's below normal!! That's weird cos I've seen many times on several websites and books, the normal range for 27-28 weeks is 1000-1200 grams. Vale is about 1150 grams. I was a bit confused and he suggested me to drink more milk and eat more sugar (eekk!)  Mommy Entering 28th week, there is not much weird f...