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pregnancy week 28

Here we go... Week 28. (third trimester)

  • Baby
To be honest, we have found a name for our baby. I'm not gonna reveal the full name yet, as it might change along the way. One thing for sure, we've been calling him "Vale"... As in "Valentino".
During these days, Vale's kicks became frequent. If previously I could only feel his kick during night time before I sleep, now I can feel his kicks almost every hour. It's getting stronger too.. I couldn't be more excited! :D 

I just went to the obgyn yesterday and Thank God, all is well. Hmm, his only concerned was my baby's weight cos he thought it's below normal!! That's weird cos I've seen many times on several websites and books, the normal range for 27-28 weeks is 1000-1200 grams. Vale is about 1150 grams. I was a bit confused and he suggested me to drink more milk and eat more sugar (eekk!) 

  • Mommy

Entering 28th week, there is not much weird feeling I felt.. Aside from itchiness. I mean, real ITCHY (with caps lock). Especially my belly.. That's just frustrated. My friend suggested me to try Cocoa Palmer's oil for itchy skin. It reduced a bit, but I had to keep spraying it. Oh heck I don't care, as long as I can get rid of that itch. 

Some says it's a common thing in pregnancy, because our belly started to stretch so it caused itchiness.. But all women are different, there are my friends who experienced the same thing and there are who don't at all. You know my biggest nightmare, stretch mark. The first trigger is none other than itchy skin, that make us want to scratch our skin. It's a big no during pregnancy. So I keep my nails very short. Shortest I've ever had... and using all my stretch marks prevention creams (and oils) religiously. I have five of them! Until my very own hubby saying, "you're such a freak."  everytime I do my ritual. Well, I believe in "prevention". Ha! No one wants to see a fully scratched belly. If in the end we can't get rid of it, at least we try to reduce it. 

As my belly suffered from itchiness, it finally showed a real bump! This photo  taken a week ago.

side view :D

front view

There are also extra "to do" list by my third trimester.. 
  • Shopping Vale's needs (trust me that's a loooooooong list! From furniture to bottles, from clothing to bathing and everything in between) And if my baby is a girl, the list would be longer :p 
  • Choosing pediatrican for Vale
  • Deciding vendor for baby shower (if there's any) and baby hampers
  • Decorating Vale's room (I leave it to Mr. D cos he's the one who keep obsessing about how a "manly" room should be. As in, no teddy bear, no white furniture)
  • Money money money (we've started saving from three months ago, but it still cost a fortune)
  • Baby proofing the house 
  • Starting prenatal yoga / pilates. I'm still doing my regular yoga once a week but doctor said pilates will also do me a favor if I want a vaginal birth
  • Doing maternity photoshoot 
  • etc.. the list goes on
and last but not least, preparing ourselves as a parent. It will be a blog post on its own, cos  we're taking this subject VERY seriously. But we'll learn as we walk yeah?

One thing for sure, I am so proud of Mr. D.. As we all know, in Chinese society, parents play a big role in their children's decision making. In most cases, even the littlest thing should  get parents approval. Err.. Then why got married in the first place? 
and Mr. D breaks the wall.
Being financially freedom, being able to make our own decision, I think that's the greatest achievements in our age.  I learned from the best, I learned from you.


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